How to Cook Without Recipes

beef & broad beans

[dropcap style=”font-size: 60px; color: #9b9b9b;”] T[/dropcap]his might surprise you, but I haven’t always been a good cook.

In fact, it wasn’t until I was in my early 20s at university that I even began really cooking. And I wasn’t any better (or worse) than my flatmates.

I did have lots of enthusiasm and was willing to try new things. And the more I cooked, the more I enjoyed it, and the more delicious the results became.

There was one problem.

I was a slave to recipes.

While recipes were a good way to learn different techniques and ingredients, they had some frustrating limitations.

Like what happens when you can’t find a particular ingredient? And what do you do with that leftover half bunch of herbs? Or jar of sauce?

Or worse still, what do you do when you need to eat but don’t have time to search through your recipe collection and go shopping for exotic ingredients?

Over the years, with a lot of trial and error, I began to learn to cook more instinctively, on my own.

Without other people’s recipes.

Subconsciously I started thinking of recipes in general terms rather than specific ingredients and steps.

From there, I developed a collection of starting point or ‘template recipes’. So whenever I walked into the kitchen and looked into the fridge to figure out what to cook, I had a head start.

I knew what had worked before to make that soup or stir fry and could use that knowledge as a springboard for a new dish or meal.

And since then I haven’t looked back.

Would you like to learn to cook without recipes?

Then check out the final installment of my FREE training series.

The third video takes you through my ‘secret’ to cooking without recipes!




With love,
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