What could a year of simplicity mean for YOUR life?

[dropcap style=”font-size: 60px; color: #9b9b9b;”] L[/dropcap]ooking back the Summer holidays around Christmas 2008 were a huge turning point in my life.

I’d been blogging as a hobby for a few years and loving it more and more.

My mum had died suddenly a bit over a year before and I was finally ready to start writing a cookbook of her recipes as a gastronomic memoir.

The project had been banging around in my head for a while. I was super excited to have some time to focus on the writing, cooking and photography needed to bring the it to life.

Those two weeks of holiday were some of the best in my life. I just loved my days pottering in the kitchen or over the keyboard. I was hooked. A tiny idea began to grow… How much fun would it be to write cookbooks for a living?

The dream was born to make the career transition from chocolate biscuit (cookie) designer to full time blogger and author.

I enlisted the help of my dear friend, Jo ‘Rabbit’ who had experience with career coaching. She encouraged me to set some concrete goals and timings. So I bravely gave myself until the end of 2010 to make the momentous move.

At the same time I’d discovered Leo Babauta’s fabulous blog, Zen Habits and was getting deeply interested in the concept of minimalism and simplicity in life. As I read about Leo’s own transition from a job he hated to becoming an entrepreneur and full time blogger, it dawned on me.

I didn’t need to instantly match my 6 figure corporate salary with my new career. If I put my mind to it, and really simplified my life, I could live on a fraction of the amount.

All of a sudden the change seemed within my reach and in January 2010 I left the corporate world.

I haven’t looked back.

These days I feel incredibly blessed. I get to help people all over the world discover that healthy eating doesn’t need to be complicated. I only work on projects that I love. I have the freedom to fit in my work around taking care of my almost-6 month old baby.

Oh yeah, and I’m making way more money than I ever did as a corporate slave.

The thing is, I’m not sure if I ever would have made it here if I hadn’t gotten serious about simplifying my life. That really was the key.

I wonder.

What opportunities might open up if you started to simplify YOUR life?

You’re probably wondering why I’m talking about this instead of giving you a new recipe. Well I just wanted to share with you a really exciting project that I’m a part of.

It’s called ‘A Simple Year’ and basically it’s a year long program of guided simplicity that focuses on simplifying a different area of your life each month.

If it sounds like something you might benefit from go to:

With love,
Jules x

SY Early Bird

ps. This is the 6th and final year we’ll be running ‘A Simple Year’.

It’s something I’m really proud to be a part of not only sharing my expertise but also learning from the other contributors.

I love how there’s a different focus each month to keep me on track without feeling overwhelmed.

To find out more:
Click Here

NOTE: The ‘early bird’ discount (Save $100) ends November 14th 2018.



  • All signed up! Saw this through zen habits but knowing you were involved clinched the deal! Really looking forward to it! Monique

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