The Best Simple Fresh Tomato Substitutes

Tomato Substitutes

Looking to avoid lectins or nightshades? While it may seem like a massive challenge, there are always options. Here are my favourite simple fresh tomato substitutes both with and without nightshades.

The Best Fresh Tomato Substitutes – Nightshade Free

1. Skip the tomato

The easiest and quickest option is to skip the tomato. If you’re cooking a dish with a lot of other ingredients, you probably won’t notice it.

Although if your recipe has tomato in the title, like Tomato Salad, omitting it isn’t going to work.

You need to find another recipe ;) Or try one of the suggestions below.

2. Cucumber

While the colour of cucummber is completely different and the flavour not as sweet, diced cucumber can add crunch and freshness to replace your fresh tomato.

3. Olives

These will add a very different flavour profile, but that may not be a bad thing! Olives provide the lovely savoury umami flavours you also get from tomato. So they will take your dish in a different direction but you won’t be lacking in flavour. Plus they’re not nightshades.

4. Cheese

Like the olive suggestion, cheese may seem a bit left field. But both tomato and cheese provide lots of savouy umami flavours to dishes.

Some crumbled feta or shaved parmesan can work to bring your salad or salsa to life so that you won’t miss the tomato.

5. Fresh Dates

Another more out-there idea but chopped little chunks of fresh date will add a lovely sweetness that you’d miss if you just left out the tomato.

6. Fresh Strawberries or other berries

Don’t knock it until you’ve tried it! Fresh strawberries or other berries can be surprisingly good substitutes for fresh tomato especially in things like salads.

7. Fresh Cherries

A similar idea to the berries.

Fresh Tomato Substitutes – Nightshades

1. Red Capsicum / Red Bell Peppers

Fresh or grilled red capsicum (bell peppers) can work well instead of tomatoes because they have the beautiful red colour and sweetness that tomatoes provide.

2. Sun Dried Tomatoes

These will add a different more intense flavour profile, but that may not be a bad thing! Semi dried or roast tomatoes will work in a similar manner.

3. Canned Tomatoes

If you are looking for a substitute for fresh tomatoes that still involves tomato, drained canned tomatoes are an excellent option. The flavour is more intense and cooked but you’ll still get the colour and tomatoey goodness. A great option in dishes where the fresh tomato is to be cooked anyway.

More Tomato Substitute Ideas

How to Store Tomatoes

Tomatoes are sensitive to chilling injury so don’t refrigerate them. Chilling causes tomatoes to lose their flavour and the texture becomes mealy and dry.

Best to keep at room temperature out of direct sunlight. I store mine in a bowl on the kitchen bench so I remember to use them before they go bad.

If you have some ripe tomatoes that you aren’t going to be able to eat, putting them in the fridge will give you more time to use them. But you’ll sacrifice flavour.

Delicious Tomato Substitutes Flavour Pairings

  • Avocado & Tomato
  • Bacon & Tomato
  • Basil & Tomato
  • Cheese & Tomato
  • Oregano & Tomato
  • Rosemary & Tomato
  • Garlic & Tomato
  • Liver & Tomato

More Ingredient Substitutes

Also see see the Simple Ingredients Substitutes Index.

Have fun in the kitchen!

With love,
Jules x