The Magic of Meal Planning FREE Class

Free 5-day Class

Thanks for your interest in eating healthier!

Watch your email inbox for each daily lesson.

If you want a ‘head start’, I’ve included the Day 1. Lesson below.

So fun!

With love,
Jules x

ps. Any problems please email :)


An UNEXPECTED Reason to Meal Plan

Over the next 5 days…

I’m going to show you my simple 3-step process.

To help you eat healthier.

Without extra time and effort.

But before we get to the how.

Let’s look at WHY meal planning is so important…

Before people master the art of meal planning, they fall into one of two camps.

1. The first group are winging it.

Sometimes they pick up something to cook on the way home.

But often it’s too much effort.

So they order delivery.

Or take out.

They spend a lot of money on food.

They feel tired.

And guilty.

They know they should be eating better.

2. The second group use a meal plan but they don’t know how to make it simple.

It takes loads of time.

Time planning, shopping and cooking elaborate meals.

Cleaning up takes ages.

They do it because they ‘have to’.

They feel frustrated.

And resentful.

But here’s the thing…

Meal planning doesn’t have to be hard work OR incredibly time-consuming.

In fact, meal planning can be simple.

Even fun!

Imagine being taken care of with healthy home cooked meals.

Imagine saving time.

And money.

Less trips to the store.

Faster shopping (especially important now!)

Less waste.

Imagine feeling organized.

Improving your health.

And enjoying preparing dinner!

This IS possible.

When you have the right type of plan.

And the right help…

But what you may NOT know is meal planning helps you make better decisions.


Because when we plan ahead we use our prefrontal cortex.

It’s the part of our brain that allows us to consider the future consequences of our choices.

Like if we have fish and salad for dinner tonight.

We’re going to feel awesome tomorrow.

But if we leave our decisions to the last minute.

Then the emotional brain is in charge.

Especially at dinner when we’re tired.

And what does the emotional brain want?

It doesn’t want to cook.

It wants to sit on the couch and order pizza.

Preferably with a bottle of wine (or two).

You know where that leads…

Here’s what we’ve covered.

Meal planning is super important because it puts healthy eating on autopilot.

And uses our prefrontal cortex to make better decisions.

It also saves time, money, reduces waste, streamlines shopping and minimizes cleaning up.

Helping you enjoy preparing dinner.

And improve your health.

Meal planning doesn’t have to be hard.

When you have a simple process.


I’m going to show you my simple 3-step process.

So you can become a meal planning master.

Check your inbox tomorrow for the next lesson.
