5 Fun Facts About Me

When I was on the Live Kitchen QnA this week, I realized it’s been a while since I shared my story here on Stonesoup.

So here are some fun facts to start with…

5 Fun Facts About Me

1. I created the White Tim Tam.

The full story is that I have a degree in Food Science. My early career was in product development for large food companies like Kellogg and Arnotts (owned by Campbells). If you’re not an Aussie, Tim Tams are an iconic Australian chocolate biscuit (cookie) and definitely not diabetic-friendly!

2. I have PCOS and Type II Diabetes.

So I (mostly) restrict my own eating to low carb / healthy fat to keep my blood sugar under control. It also makes me feel especially blessed to have conceived my boys naturally in my early 40s.

3. I have a ‘thing’ for bacteria and yeasts.

Which is why I love making my own fermented foods like yoghurt and sauerkraut. When I was studying food science my honours thesis was in food microbiology looking at the bacterial populations of Blue Vein and Camembert cheese – any excuse to eat more cheese!

4. I HATE when people ask me what my last meal would be.

Because it’s so tough to decide! That being said, I would love my last meal to start with champagne and oysters. And definitely end with an abundance of cheese. It would need to include lots of fresh veggies like beets, cabbage and broccoli. And salad. There would have to be salad.

5. I have dreams of growing most of our own food.

But have a very long way to go. At the moment I’m happy keeping up the supply of fresh herbs, salad greens and eggs from our ‘chooks’ (that’s Australian for chickens).

Still want to know more?

Inquisitive aren’t you? You can read my whole story over HERE.

What about you?

Are you into growing your own food? Do you have PCOS or diabtetes or is it something you’d like to avoid? Share a bit about yourself in the comments below :)

And as always have fun when you are in the kitchen!

With love,
Jules x

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