The Secret to My (Food) Universe

Last year I had a major breakthrough.

So big I feel like I’ve discovered the secret to the universe.

Well my universe at least.

I figured out how to find the balance between loving food and stopping when I’ve had enough.

In a calm and peaceful way.

In a way that feels natural and good.

Part of me still can’t believe that I, Jules Clancy, former winemaker and massive food lover has not only worked out how to drink in a way where I can take it or leave it.

But I now naturally stop eating when I’ve had enough.

Without any struggle or mind drama.

But I have.

How did I get to this magical place?

It all started because I had been doing some mindset work with a business coach.

And getting great results.

Which got me thinking…

Where else could I use these principles?

Would it work with overeating?

And wouldn’t you know it, by changing the way I THINK about food and eating.

Just changing my beliefs and my self talk.

I’ve solved a life long problem.

In a matter of months.

Powerful stuff.

And the more success I’ve had with this, the more my wheels began turning.

I started to see a place where I could help food lovers stop overeating so they enjoy food and wine without regret.

Where they’re not always thinking about food.

So they eat well automatically.

And feel good in their clothes again.

You see the potential right?

Which is why I decided to start the Stop Overeating Club – a 6-month group coaching program.

I’m opening applications for new members next week.

If you’re ready to discover how to eat well in a sustainable way.

Then join me.

For more details CLICK HERE.

I know I can help you.

BIG love,
Jules x

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